Why Take This Course?

  • Online Networking

    Learn how to leverage social media and other professional networking platforms. Create a strong digital footprint for success.

  • Expand Networks

    Use key techniques to grow, diversify and foster viable networks. Networking relies on building strong, quality relationships.

  • Targeted Goals

    Be organized, strategic and intentional in your online networking efforts. Target the right individuals, organizations, etc. to reach your goals.

  • Value and Recognition

    Upon successfully completing the course, you will automatically receive a digital certificate of completion.

Course Details

What You Can Expect To Learn

    1. Introduction to the Course

    2. Webinar Presentation

    3. Worksheets - Creating a Workable Process

    4. Infographic

    5. Networking Calendars

    6. SIMPLEnetworking Bingo

    7. Networking Self-Assessment

    1. Feedback Survey

    2. Books & eBooks

    3. Celebrate Business Networking Day

    4. Networking Next Steps

About this course

  • $79.99
  • 11 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Maximize Your Networking Reach

Virtually connect with the confidence and the know how to exceed your goals!